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Seedstars Kiev

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Квитки на захід "Seedstars Kiev" (09-10-2015 – 09-10-2015)
Продаж квитків закінчився 09 жовтня 2015 13:00
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Про захід

KIEV, Ukraine, October 9th, 2015 - Seedstars World, the global seed-stage startup competition for emerging markets and fast-growing startup scenes, is coming for the first time to Ukraine on October 9th. Continuing on its goal to put the spotlight on entrepreneurs from emerging countries, Seedstars World expanded its competition to more than 50 countries for 2015 up from the 36 countries of the 2014 edition. Its past participants have raised 20M USD together, providing employment to +360 employees all around the world.

A new addition this year, Seedstars World is focusing on the travel and fintech industries, creating industry-specific tracks in parallel to the general Seedstars World competition, renamed the STARS track. Regional winners in those industries will get to compete for a 500’000 USD equity prize in their track. All regional winners of the local events are invited back to Switzerland to pitch at the final event in February 2016 in Switzerland. This year, Seedstars World is looking to expand its impact by partnering up with key partners in recognizing the startups potential according to diverse criteria. Two more 500’000 USD equity prizes have been added for the fintech and travel tracks, putting the total amount of investment to be won at 1’5M USD taking in account the initial 500’000 USD and various prizes can be won outside the tracks.

Other than the basic criteria for a seed-stage company, less than 2 years since the founding date, less than 500’00 USD in funding and a MVP available, Seedstars World is also looking for smart startups that solve regional issues and/or develop profitable products for the global market. With partners such as MEST, Google for Entrepreneurs, and Microsoft, Seedstars World identifies fast-growing and pioneering startup scenes and is on the mission to support regional businesses and their growth. “Seedstars World is a platform connecting investors to the next generation of startup entrepreneurs pulling the spotlight from Silicon Valley and Western Europe. We honestly think the best way to have an impact in emerging countries is by investing and promoting entrepreneurship ” explains Alisee de Tonnac, Seedstars World CEO. “ We look forward to seeing how the different startup scenes have evolved in a year and the new startups in the country.”

Up to 12 of the best startups in Ukraine will be invited to pitch for the opportunity to compete at the final event.

About Seedstars World

Seedstars World is the most exclusive startup competition for emerging markets and fast-growing startup scenes. It is one of the fastest-growing networks for tech entrepreneurs in the world. Based in Geneva, Switzerland and founded by Alisee de Tonnac and Pierre-Alain Masson, it is supported by the venture builder Seedstars.

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9 жовтня 2015
початок о 16:00
Креативний Простір "Часопис"
Україна, Київ
вулиця Льва Толстого 3


+(38)044-591-25-35; +(38)044-384-07-10
